Medications, whether prescribed by a doctor or purchased over-the-counter, can make dealing with severe or minor health problems much easier to handle. However, taking medications can have an impact on your exercise routine and on the results you see in the mirror. For example, Prescribed medications for heart conditions and high blood pressure can particularly affect people trying to reach their maximum aerobic heartbeat level to burn more fat, and many cold medicines can cause grogginess which can lead to injury during a workout. It is crucial to understand how medications can affect your body both before and during exercise, and before you begin a new diet or exercise regimen, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. To give you a better understanding of how medications can affect your workout, here are few common medications and how they can impact your fitness.
Statins are prescribed to lower cholesterol, but statins can also affect muscle function and cause muscle pain. Experiencing pain during a workout can severely limit your exercise routine or lead to injury.
While anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications can do wonders for people’s mental health, they can also cause weight gain. If exercise is an important part of your life and you also take some form and anti-depressant, then seeking the advice of a trainer or healthcare professional that is knowledgeable in sports medicine may be helpful if you find yourself suddenly adding on more pounds.
Over-the-counter cold medicines
While many people believe that a cold pill will make them fresh and ready to work or workout, many cold medications contain pseudoephedrine which can cause you to feel drowsy or dizzy. Many people try to combat the drowsiness by intensifying their workout, however, doing so can lead to injury because of the medications effects.
Sports medicine and medications
Athletes who have an understanding of sports medicine, similar to what Compounding Pharmacy offers, realize that a faster heart rate doesn’t necessarily mean a better or more thorough workout. With medications that lower the heart rate, the body can still be working hard, but the heart rate will not increase to the maximum aerobic level due to the medications. If you take any medications, a common practice to use is the 180-formula which suggests subtracting ten from your maximum aerobic heart rate. Also, it is imperative to never stop taking any medications in substitution for exercise because doing so could lead to more serious health problems.